Join these progressive organizations who have worked with StandUP Teams™
Does your law firm want to prevent sexual harassment within its organization? Are you interested in finding out how? We can help.
StandUP to racism: Anti-racism training provides respectful workplace, EDI, and unconscious bias training in the context of racism. Interested?
Why Bystander Training?
#metoo and the #antiracism movements have shown that sexual harassment, racial discrimination and disrespect are still common in our workplaces. We all want to make a difference, but how?
Traditional workplace harassment training is not effective. In many places, harassment training has been mandatory for decades, yet the problem still exists. In 2016, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission conducted a longitudinal study that found no evidence that harassment training was effective. Subsequent studies and academic analysis suggest a few fatal flaws to traditional harassment training:
- All of the responsibility for addressing harassment, and the sole focus of the training, is on perpetrators (they should stop) and victims (they should speak up). This leaves the other 98% of the training attendees gaining nothing from the session. The perpetrator and victim are often the worst-positioned to actually deal with the issue.
- Much training is off-the-shelf and generic, using language and examples that are at best not relatable and at worst confusing. This alienates people from the training.
StandUP Teams™ incorporates modern best practices to deliver customized training that is relatable and relevant to everyone who attends. We give a safe place for attendees to learn and practice skills to “see something, say something.” Respect in the workplace is everyone's business, and good for business.
Bystander Training is a proactive way to prevent:
External Investigation
External Investigations into a workplace bullying/harassment complaint can cost $50,000 plus
Damages Awards
BC Human Rights Tribunal recently awarded injury to dignity damages of $40,000 in a sexual harassment case, expressly stating that “the trend for these damages is upward.” (Araniva v. RSY Contracting and another (No. 3), 2019 BCHRT 97)
Human Rights Complaint
Defending a human rights complaint or other legal action to hearing (legal costs only) $50,000 to $100,000 plus
StandUP Teams™ Package Includes:
- Customized, readable Respectful Workplace Policy, codesigned with your HR team (optional)
- Customized, relatable training sessions co-designed with your HR team, covering the Policy plus active bystander case scenarios and exercises
- Delivery of training workshops onsite at your office or ours, or online
- Guidelines for follow-up initiatives to promote organizational continuity
In-Person or Via Zoom
With StandUP Teams™, we provide the necessary tools and strategies to address workplace bullying and harassment, whether in the office or remotely through platforms like Zoom.
What is included in StandUP Teams ™ In-Person or Via Zoom?
Customized examples
Our team works with you to ensure that our case studies, examples, and role plays are relevant to your industry and organizational culture.
Engagement tools
There are a variety of polls, videos, and interactive examples we use in order to keep the audience reflecting at all times.
Highly skilled facilitators
A safe learning environment is one of our main priorities, which is provided by our experienced facilitators with experience in human rights and employment law.
Don't have a respectful workplace policy?
Let us know!
StandUP Teams™ On Demand
StandUP Teams™ is now available as an online, self-paced course. Learn how to address workplace bullying and harassment anytime, from anywhere; on your own, or as a team.
What is included in StandUP Teams™ On Demand?
Videos and animations
Hear real-life scenarios of workplace bullying and harassment and be given the tools to identify and deal with similar situations, through hosted and animated videos.
Test your understanding and knowledge of the concepts you learn through self-assessment quizzes throughout the course.
Certificate of completion
Let everyone know that you are trained as a leader in respectful workplaces. On completion of the course, you will get a shareable certificate of completion.
Have a group of people?
Contact us for a discounted group rate.
Group discussions were most enjoyed, with comments such as:
“Content was relevant to me and my work”
84% agreed or strongly agreed
“Hearing new perspectives”
“Some staff continued discussions after training in the following days”